Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Playground Love.

This weekend was full of firsts. Hendrix had his first real playground experience.
When did this happen?
All of a sudden I awoke and there I was a mother pushing her baby in a swing.
Chubby little feet free from the confines of shoes and socks, dangled in the air.
Fat, little toes catching wind between them.


My baby. Blue Eyes and pouty lips.
How did I get here?

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I swear this must be a dream.


I could watch for hours as father and son play.
Games of tag and airplane and endless pushes on swings.
Telling secrets under trees.


and my step son?
When did he become a little man?
Long limbs and loud giggles?


This family of mine, it is so full and complex and insanely perfect.
The happiness I get from it is so overwhelming.
Why me? How did I get so lucky?


I've hit the jackpot.



  1. you guys are great. love these pictures. and idk how i never got around to it before, but i finally bookmarked your site. i mean i had the url memorized, but now its added to the list :]

  2. We all deserve blessings! May you accrue more and more just by living. :)

  3. You are so pretty and your family is beautiful. The shadow on the swing picture is so wonderful! I can't wait until I can experience such fantastic firsts with Henry. At the rate it's going, it won't be too long from now. ::sigh::

  4. awww both of them are absolutely cute and adorable!! i LOVED reading your introduction to the blog and i can't wait to look around here some more!

    thanks for dropping by my blog too =)


  5. Your kids are too cute! Great Blog! {Returning the SITS love.}

  6. Your family is gorgeous.
